'My father approached John in the Durgin Park restaurant here in Boston some years ago. My Father was reluctant to approach him but with my mother egging him on, knowing what a big fan I was of his, my father asked him for his autograph. Both my Father and Mother say he was very nice and very accommodating. I hope this brings you as much fun seeing this as I like to get a chuckle every time I look at it and think of one of his movies.' |
Photo contributed by: Jim Leahy |
john hargadon | Tue, 1 Mar '11 |
very nice piece.
James Lacy From Anchorage, Alaska | Thu, 28 Oct '10 |
I loved John Candy's movies. My favorite was Armed and Dangerous. I cried as a kid when I found out he died. I always wanted to meet him in person and then found that I never would. Farewell Big Man. A Fan :) |
Chris Walker | Wed, 11 Aug '10 |
Hey, thanks for posting this. I love seeing anything with the great mans autograph on - priceless! Your mom and dad are lucky folk to have met him. Nice one. |