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File size: 147,881KB |
Length: 32m 39s |
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"We'll be right back" at The Second City's radio interview with Jennifer Candy. She discusses her father and her career. And before you ask, yes I know it's audio and not video, but we don't have an audio section on just yet! |
Van White | Fri, 28 Mar '14 |
Love JC |
mark | Sun, 12 Feb '12 |
Just finished watching 'Uncle Buck". John was one of the warmest performers in cinema. We still miss him. |
deborah | Wed, 8 Dec '10 |
hi Jennifer,you are a beautiful talented young lady,your Father would be so proud to see you today,Best Wishes to you and family forever. |
Catherine Bury | Mon, 12 Oct '09 |
Sorry about the typos! "called" and "dear" in last post.I will always LOVE John Candy!Good luck, Jennifer. Your papa would be so proud! |
Catherine Bury | Mon, 12 Oct '09 |
I loved John Candy so much! I was so totally devastated when he died, I truly was crushed and I did not even know him. And, yet, I felt I did know him. I grew up in a family of six girls and he would have been the brother I would have loved to have! What a doll-faced, adorable man! I have laughed so hard at his movies, over and over and his SCTV stuff and Second City days. I wish his darling daughter well in her acting career. I know she will do well and am sure she has his funny bone and sweet disposition. I remember Danny Akroyd once caled him "gentleman John". I am certain he was a fine gentleman and dear, dar friend. I almost got to meet him once in Chicago but missed the opportunity. It is something I will always regret. Best of luck, Jennifer. |
If you've got any video clips of John Candy you'd like to contribute to then send them to us via the contribute page! |