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These are the 2287 guestbook entries left by John Candy fans so far...

Mercer101Yeeters ! Thu, 23 Jul '20
Big up Mr Candy! BDBOP BOP!!

Bigfella601 Wed, 22 Jul '20
Hi John. What the hell are you doing? I almost crushed your head like a melon!

Mylène Caron Wed, 22 Jul '20
Hello folks!

How can I describe the feeling I am getting when I think about John Candy... I get a crazy laugh every time.

He left a legacy... He smiled with his eyes in such a funny way... You couldn’t resist but wanting him to be part of your family!

Amazi ng actor, probably an amazing man, father and husband. I keep his memory in my French Canadian heart! lol

John Candy will never be forgotten, he is Comedy!

Much love to his family... xXxX

La Mara Villa Mon, 1 Jun '20
Candy, see you back again, my love. LMV ¡!!!

Giancarlo Longhi Sun, 10 May '20
I saw some of his funniest movies when I was a kid, now I'm 41 I see them with my daughters. Such a great actor and man. So sad he's not with us phisically, but it will be always with us in our hearts. Thanks John, from Italy.

Bogdan Wed, 1 Apr '20
I loved this actor from the first time when I saw it. Can't believe that you big guy left us so earlier. I really miss your smile. Bless you J.C....your fan from Romania.

dave Sat, 28 Mar '20
miss you

Albert Fri, 27 Mar '20
I miss him. I was 6 years old when he passed, and I'm grateful for each year we shared the planet for. John's smile is a portal to the simpler (cozier, happier) times of the 80s, and in these truly crazy times, that means so much to me and millions of others around the world. My dad and I, back when we were on speaking terms, would regularly watch Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and there are moments in the story with John that always make me tear up. Bless ya, John. Hope you are having a blast exploring all the multiverses and sharing your awesomeness with them as well. To the person who made this site - you're doing a good thing, my friend. Bless you, and bless this lovely community. John Candy forever! - Albert from Australia

Dario Valeri from Italy Wed, 4 Mar '20
26 years have passed since your laughter and irony left us, but continue to live every day through your films, you have been one of my favorite actors from my childhood, hard to forget! Dario from Italy

Andrew Berry Wed, 4 Mar '20
Another yr. since you passed.Always laugh when I think of those days in high school at Neil.Cracked up as soon as I walked in the class no matter how crummy I felt

Mike Sun, 26 Jan '20
John Candy has always been an inspiration. I came of age watching his movies, now as an old guy I still put his movies on when I need an escape. I have watched many of his movies over and over, and still laugh just as much as the the first time.There will never be anyone like him and I am thankful I still have his movies to fall back on.

Kim Pham Tue, 7 Jan '20
Hello John Candy’s Fans

John Franklin Candy was an amazing Canadian actor and comedian, but he passed away due to a heart attack, which could have been prevented.

This year, in remembering such an extraodiary life, we-The Ironman Outdoor Curling Bonspiel is proudly holding an event honouring John Candy to raise money for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Especially, the Candy has already joined with us and raised awareness of heart health. Our fundraising goal is $25,000 to align with the 25th anniversary of John Candy’s passing.

Let’ s take an action together to reduce the risk of heart deseases. We hope the generosity of all of our participants and sponsors will help us realize that goal in support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.
For more information and donation, please visit our website: https://ironman

Arnika Mon, 30 Dec '19
Swietny aktor, jeden z moich ulubionych. Wielki zal ze tak szybko odszedl. Wciaz co roku ogladamy z cala rodzina filmy z jego udzialem, i co roku wspominamy John’a. Wesolych Swiat Forever alive John Candy!

Shane Davey (UK) Mon, 30 Dec '19
What a great actor and always in our hearts. As a Christmas treat my wife and I watched Cool Running recently and the laughs came in thick and fast.
R.I.P The great John Candy

Donna Sun, 29 Dec '19
John Candy isn’t all tim favorite. He was wonderful in EVERYTHING. He clearly had the same kind of upbringing we did. His spirit just shown through that he was a very good man. When I want to watch a funny movie with heart I watch his. He is missed dearly. More and more as the world seems stormier - I love to watch a John Candy movie and tune out for a bit. I was saddened for his young family at his leaving. I’m sure he was a man who truly truly loved his family. I’m watching Summer Rental for 1000th time lol. I’m old enuff to have watched beginning SCTV and 1st SNL. Peace and blessings to you all in the new year ??

Alma Fri, 27 Dec '19
Hello, I am Mexican and I love John Candy, he is and will be the best comedy actor for me, never anyone like him has made me laugh, I miss him a lot, I love his movies and I love the person he was. Forever alive John Candy

Bigfella601 Sun, 22 Dec '19
Hi John we’re watching Uncle Buck again.
I have told you that I loved you once and it wasn’t for new was for shocks remember!
Merry Christmas Big Guy.

Martin McClatchey Sun, 22 Dec '19
Watching Uncle Buck tonight must have seen it 100 times always loved John xxx Happy Christmas..John. ..

Joe Sitko Thu, 12 Dec '19
The best comedian ever.
Plane Trains and Automobiles reminded me of events that happened to me when I was in the service.
Truly a great.

Angelika & Harald from Germany Thu, 28 Nov '19
Wow, unbelievable, again a year is over and it´s Thanksgiving in the US. As every year on this day we watched „Planes, Trains & Automobiles“. We can do so again and Never get tired of it. John and others to whoa we Hand to say „good-bye“ forever this year: R.I.P.

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